10 September 2008

Happy Teacher's Day!

I am finding many things are different here than what I have been exposed to. Different does not mean bad by any means: if anything, exciting. Today was Teacher’s Day and my students, which let me say, I have had for less than two weeks, made me feel exceptionally special. I received a card, a fountain pen, and a warm welcome to class. By warm welcome, I mean, I walk into class 15 minutes early only to hear one student whisper, “one, two, three” and everyone yells in unison, “Happy Teacher’s Day!” while they are all clapping wildly. If that doesn’t brighten your day, then you’re a grouch. I have three classes on Wednesday, all Junior 1 (7th grade) Oral English classes. I have first, second, and third period but in-between second and third period are ‘exercises.’ They all go out on the center of the track and make amazingly long, straight lines and go through a semi-dance/exercise routine. So this translates into a thirty-minute break for me between my second and third class. I normally eat something small and get back to class fairly early. Today, for whatever reason, my Juniors did not have exercises and were just sitting waiting for me when I came down at my normal time and surprised me. It was so good to be able to just play some music and walk around class and talk with them.
Although I am having a great time, it has had its challenges. I have so many students it has been slightly overwhelming attempting to learn their names, and to further add to it, I only have them in class once a week. I am searching for a way to make my Olympics class interesting and moving because it is not a difficult subject but is almost solid vocabulary. It is hard to lecture/teach vocab for forty minutes twice a week to three classes and keep it interesting. I am trying to find the balance of how much to teach on each sport and how vocab heavy to go, but overall, I was expecting more difficulties so maybe they are on their way. I am hoping things continue to go well because I am really enjoying teaching. I have a having a blast in class. I have a sweet job. Thanks for thinking of me and checking my blog!