24 December 2008

Sheng Dan Kuai Le!

Merry Christmas!

Today was my last class with my Wednesday sections so we decided to take some pictures.  

Merry Christmas!  

16 December 2008

class and Christmas pictures

A took a few pictures with Photo Booth before class and had a blast.  My kids loved it and I think its funny.  I am pretty sure they had never seen it before because their reactions were great.  We are having a door decorating contest so I took a picture of my door.  I owe thanks to Micah and Janna who were quite crafty.

...is that a friendly on the tree... 

10 November 2008


You know its been too long since you had some of Momma's cooking when meatloaf tastes amazing! (no offense to the great people that spent time making the meatloaf) It did taste good but meatloaf has never exactly topped my favorite food list...

I am doing well and still like Chinese food.  Its just every once in a while...I could really go for some of Momma's cooking.  

Business Elective pictures

Presenting the can of moose which one of the guys sprayed on his pants...it was funny

Thumbs up?!

Made them market an umbrella...its fun to be a teacher

These pictures are from the Business Elective class.  They are all from this past Friday when we did marketing (read the post right after this to get the details...)

07 November 2008

11 weeks...

Mom deserves the credit for pictures actually showing up on my blog.  She has been asking me to show her some pictures for, well...about 11 weeks now.  Better late than never?  I hope you enjoy the few pictures I put up.  I haven't taken a ton of pictures but have been taking some video and am trying to figure out how to post that without bringing your connect speed down to a crawl.  

 2 quick funny stories from class.  I love class.  Before I tell you the stories I must preface where they are coming from.  I am teaching a business elective class along with Julie, who was also a business major.  Business has never been taught, at least to our knowledge, so we have been creating our materials for class, which has been fun but challenging.  All is going well so far, but a lot goes on in business class.  For one, it is an elective on Friday afternoons and the kids in the class want to be there and ask many questions.  For example, why are the global markets crashing?  What is an average day of a CEO look like?  How is the Fed run?   Could you explain Investment Banking to me?  You know, easy questions.  

 Now that you know a little more about business class on Friday afternoons I will tell you what happens in class.  First, we have a good time.   About two weeks ago I was teaching on finance and accounting and had put some new vocab words up on the board.  I had a student come write the characters along side so everyone could understand the new vocab and what we were talking about.  Fairly standard, not complicated but it gets better.  He realized three minutes later that he had put the wrong character up and stands up while I am teaching and comes to the front and is standing next to me looking around and then in the corner.  I've stopped talking at this point because he took everyone's attention from me and I am wondering what is going on in my classroom right now?!  His eyes fall upon the dirty, long-fingered mop and he reaches for it and in one motion goes straight for the chalkboard.  Everyone gasps and is making their disgust known.  He is determined and does not let this stop him, he proceeds so erase the board with the mop and correct his mistake with the correct character.  When he finishes he gives me a look of, 'what? Why aren't you teaching, why did you stop?'  Amazing.  

Second story.  Today.  We finished up management and are talking about marketing.  We brought in different items, ranging from cleaning supplies to a flute.  Other items included Monopoly, Cheez Its, Betty Crocker TV dinner something, a Wii controller, a bike bell, and a small toolbox.  They had to explain the four Ps of marketing and try to sell the class on their product.  The one item I did not tell you about is where the plot thickens.  We also brought a can of moose.  They did not know what it was and I told them you can put it in your hair but I walk by again and one of the guys is spraying it onto his pants, like you would a Tide pen or something.  I just about lost it and said no, that is not what it is designed to do...but that is funny.   


This little guy was too cool to pass up, so I got a picture with him.  

Just so you know, you are not allowed to create a nuisance on the Great Wall.

In case you didn't pick up on the zillion stairs...they tell you.  Its steep.  

This is the first picture I took in China.  We were still in the airport waiting to transfer to the other terminal to get our bags.  

Students during the opening ceremonies for the first day of classes.  
Opening ceremonies..
Free stuff...just sitting there outside my door when I got back from class one day.
Lays in China
Texas style!

View from my balcony (just outside my bedroom)

Front of my building (a.k.a. Junior building)
now look the other way (same spot as before)
now look up...my room is 8 floors directly above 
My first bike...I sold it to a friend
My second/current bike

02 November 2008

Busy but good week

This week has been quite busy but good.  For starters, I went to the Great Wall today!  Needless to say it is pretty great.  Sorry my humor is lacking at times…really though the Wall is amazing.  I loved going today.  It was a bit cold and unbelievably windy and I wasn’t thrilled to go on this particular day because I was thinking I could go another day.  But once we all got there and were up on the Wall my attitude changed a lot.  I am so glad we went and I had a blast.  If you have ever thought about going, you should.  It is truly an experience and I would highly recommend it!


Other things of interest this week would include our Harvest Party, ShiYi’s first week of teaching class, and being recording for the junior’s test this coming week. 

We have a party every year during the week of Halloween and have fun carnival games students can come and play and give away candy.  There were pumpkins to carve, costume competitions, games, candy…what more can you ask for?!  I had a lot of fun.  My game was Coke bottle bowling.  I took 2 liter bottles and filled them with water and then set them up as bowling pins.  I had a large, light ball students threw (they were suppose to bowl…) and knocked down the bottles so I gave them candy.  I dressed as a cowboy and had lots of fun.  I think they students enjoyed it as well.  Many liked my hat and I let a few have my hat take some pictures with them.  (being a teacher is pretty sweet sometimes)  We had a night for junior students to come and then another for seniors to come.  Being young and inexperienced I set the bottles far too close the first night, juniors.  It became a game to see how fast they could knock the bottles over and get more candy.  It really was not a contest and by the end of the evening, I was tired of picking and setting up 10 bottles every 15 seconds.  So the good news is I wised up for round two.  Seniors come and the distance has greatly increased and there is a new rule.  You knocked the bottles over; you pick them up or no candy.  I am glad to say that it worked quite well.  I was proud.  The game had a new suspense because it was quite difficult now to knock the bottles over but it was ok for seniors, whereas this approach would have been unsuccessful with impatient juniors.  I like our Harvest Party.


I had the opportunity to record a portion of the test for Junior 1&2 students on Friday.  I read test questions and paragraphs along with Ann.  It was quite funny hearing my voice and thinking my students are going to be hearing this next and trying to figure out what I am saying!  Ann and I had fun and are glad we did it.  I found out it is challenging to read test questions when you didn’t write them and they are written in a slightly awkward manner.  One of the more exciting times was when there were back-to-back male lines.  The nice Chinese lady encouraged me to use a second voice and make it interesting and just sound like another person.  It was good.  I know you wish you could know what I did but I won’t tell you. 


Thanks as always for checking in on me.  

30 October 2008


I have a funny story from class with my Junior 1 students.  We have a test next week and I was reviewing with them.  We were playing Jeopardy on the powerpoint, which is a lot of fun, and the question was what are the four seasons?  Fairly standard question.  He knew the answer and started right now, not to waste any precious time.  He begins to answer and says, “Summer, Autumn, Winter, SURPRISE!”   It was great.  I just about lost it along with the majority of my class.  He is shouting, “No teacher, no no teacher, it is not surprise, Spring, Spring!”  I had mercy and gave him the points…mostly because it was just too funny and he made my day. 




Ps.  I did clarify that surprise is not one of the four seasons.    

23 October 2008

Clothes and Colors

I will give you a small glimpse into my classroom.  This week I taught Clothes and Colors to my Junior 1 (7th) students.  We had a lot of fun.  I brought a suitcase overflowing with my clothes to class.  I explained the clothes as I unpacked them.  What it is called, when you would wear it, and the color of the item.  I then had my students run up and take one thing and then put it on and we went around the class and had them explain to the class the same three things I had told them.  It was great.  
I brought in several pairs of shoes, tennis/dress/slippers, a t-shirt, long sleeve, sweater, hoodie, a scarf, gloves, hat, baseball hat and a belt.  I had a fun time asking them if it was 'ok' to wear my brown dress shoes with a black belt...almost all yell out 'Yes, teacher!'  I tell them that would not be the best and it is better to wear brown with brown and black with black and some did not understand.  
One of the interesting things I have learned about China is that the culture is more direct and speak what is on their mind.  I will give you an example.  We are in class talking about clothes and colors.  Every class had fun putting my belt on and informing me that I am fat and that my belt is way too big and they cannot wear it.  I was prepared for this and actually expecting it.  One the one hand, this level or transparency makes it easier to read people and understand them.  They just tell you.  Just make certain you have thick skin because you never know what will be said.  It keeps you on your toes.  
I appreciate your thoughts and remember all of us.  


GOOD NEWS--ShiYi is here!  We are all beyond excited that they have arrived.  To give a bit of history, ShiYi was unable to come due to some paperwork issues.  Their paperwork was held up and they were waiting to come but thankfully that wait is over!  I am thrilled the whole team is together.  They arrived yesterday afternoon and I was able to go to the airport to help greet them and carry some bags.  We then met up with the rest of the team and all ate dinner together.  Thanks for remembering ShiYi, we are all glad they are here! 

19 October 2008

2 Months

I have now been in Beijing for 2 months!  Many things have been going on but I want to start with some good news that ShiYi is coming this week!  We have been thinking about them arriving for some time now but they are scheduled to arrive this coming week.  We are all quite excited to see them and have the entire team all together.  
I wanted to give a quick update that I am doing very well and loving my time here and will hopefully give a longer update and post a short video soon.  Thanks again for checking my blog!  

19 September 2008

My first 4 weeks in China

I arrived four weeks ago.  It has been more than I could have ever imagined.  I have learned so much already, I can hardly believe I am able to have this amazing experience.  The time is passing so quickly.  So many things are going on, everything is new, and there is so much to learn.  I was expecting the language barrier to make daily living much harder.  Don't get me wrong, I continually catch myself wishing I just knew Chinese, but it is much different than I thought. I do not know how to explain it but the important thing is I am able to get around better than I expected.  I am starting to learn my surroundings and becoming more comfortable.  

As you could probably guess, there is a lot going on here.  Everyday is an adventure and in case you are wondering, yes, I’m loving it.  Today I will highlight a few of my recent adventures.  Since my last post, I have been given 5 free Paralympic tickets, attended two Paralympic events (one of which was FREE!), gone to the Bird’s nest, gone to a historic Chinese museum (more free tickets), gone to the zoo & aquarium, started Chinese lessons, received 2 Chinese names, and gone shopping and out to eat by myself.

Random but sweet, last Thursday a student gave me 5 tickets to the Paralympics for Friday morning.  Just like that.  She was in earlier in the week and we were making small talk and Olympics came up and I told her we had tried to get tickets to the Opening of the Paralympics but were unable to but it looked like we were going to be able to go that Sunday (14th) and I had a great time at handball and was hoping I would be able to go to a Paralympics event.  So back to Thursday (11th) she comes in and tells me it is my lucky day and whips out the 5 tickets and says happy teacher’s day even though it was yesterday.  So, as you can imagine, I was able to scrounge up four other teachers that at least said they ‘didn’t have class’ during the scheduled time and off we went Friday morning to the Paralympics.  (No teachers missed class because they were attending the Paralympics.  If they did, I wouldn’t tell you about it.) 

So after using our amazing free soccer tickets on Friday I was able to go with a group to see Athletics in the Bird’s Nest on Sunday (14th).  It’s a lot bigger in person.  It looks sweet on TV but when you see it in person it takes your breath away.  It is really big and just awesome.  I had a great time and am glad I was able to go.  I could only think of how crazy it would have been during the Opening Ceremonies.  Wow.

In between my weekend of Paralympics I was able to squeeze in a visit to a museum of various Chinese artifacts.  It was a little difficult to take in between I am don’t know any Chinese history and all of the descriptions are obviously in Chinese.  A student took us and explained some but there is only so much he could do because we had a tour guide and she kept us moving at a good clip.  It was fun to spend time with a student and learn more about Chinese history and culture.

I have been having a lot of fun trying to communicate in my very broken (which is being generous) Chinese.  On the way home from the museum I had a blast trying to talk with our taxi driver.  We named him Gus.  He didn’t seem to be feeling it much at first but after a little coxing he warmed up to it.  I tried talking to him some but wasn’t able to say very much.  He understood some English but couldn’t speak very much and I cannot understand or speak Chinese, so we had a good time.  I had Julie, a veteran on the team, help me tell Gus that my Chinese is very good.  (I have been trying telling people that I am fluent but since we do not know how to say that, we just say my Chinese is very good.  It seems to get the point across.)  So I gave Gus a good laugh.  Most people really like it when you try to speak and learn and will help you.  We helped each other practice saying our numbers.  It is easier than I thought.  You can use the time or fair for the taxi or signs you see.  We tried to learn each other’s names.  I also told him I was from China, but for some reason, he didn’t buy it.  Maybe it was my good Chinese.

This was only a four-day week because Monday was mid-autumn festival.  A student took us to the zoo and aquarium.  I got the see the pandas, which was quite exciting.  They gave them a large slice of watermelon and panda picked it up and leaned against a big rock and put the watermelon on his belly and then picked it up and took a bite out of it.  It was funny to watch them eat watermelon.  There was a rocking chair and slide in the pen and I was really hoping he would hurry and finish the watermelon and do some tricks but that was not on his agenda.  We walked around the corner and there were some Chinese brown bears.  They do not have fences but a little wall you walk up to and then basically look over a 20/25’ cliff that then slowly slopes up away from you into a little hill, which is still about 10’ below you.  (hope that makes sense)  That said, one of the bears came right up against the little cliff and was fully extended leaning up on the wall/cliff and people were pouring their drinks down to him and he was really good at catch all of it.  I think he had some practice.  Some people had some fun and would move the drink while they were pouring it down but the bear caught it all.  I found it funny to watch.  How often to you see a big brown bear catching Coke in his mouth? 

Thanks for remembering me and visiting my blog!

10 September 2008

Happy Teacher's Day!

I am finding many things are different here than what I have been exposed to. Different does not mean bad by any means: if anything, exciting. Today was Teacher’s Day and my students, which let me say, I have had for less than two weeks, made me feel exceptionally special. I received a card, a fountain pen, and a warm welcome to class. By warm welcome, I mean, I walk into class 15 minutes early only to hear one student whisper, “one, two, three” and everyone yells in unison, “Happy Teacher’s Day!” while they are all clapping wildly. If that doesn’t brighten your day, then you’re a grouch. I have three classes on Wednesday, all Junior 1 (7th grade) Oral English classes. I have first, second, and third period but in-between second and third period are ‘exercises.’ They all go out on the center of the track and make amazingly long, straight lines and go through a semi-dance/exercise routine. So this translates into a thirty-minute break for me between my second and third class. I normally eat something small and get back to class fairly early. Today, for whatever reason, my Juniors did not have exercises and were just sitting waiting for me when I came down at my normal time and surprised me. It was so good to be able to just play some music and walk around class and talk with them.
Although I am having a great time, it has had its challenges. I have so many students it has been slightly overwhelming attempting to learn their names, and to further add to it, I only have them in class once a week. I am searching for a way to make my Olympics class interesting and moving because it is not a difficult subject but is almost solid vocabulary. It is hard to lecture/teach vocab for forty minutes twice a week to three classes and keep it interesting. I am trying to find the balance of how much to teach on each sport and how vocab heavy to go, but overall, I was expecting more difficulties so maybe they are on their way. I am hoping things continue to go well because I am really enjoying teaching. I have a having a blast in class. I have a sweet job. Thanks for thinking of me and checking my blog!

05 September 2008

I am in Beijing, China

It is amazing but sometimes funny how quickly things change and time rushes by us. It has been a little while since my last post. The main reason for the gap was due to my inability to read Chinese. For real. Several web pages thought it was funny to load in Chinese and for a while, they were winning. But have no fear, I have been able to switch the characters to English which, big surprise, is much easier for me to read. After several failed attempts, it appears as if I have found a solution and hope it is here to stay.

So if you do not know, I made it to China on August 22 with no trouble. I have enjoying myself and just finished my first week of teaching. In the short time I have been here, I have been able to do so many awesome things, I am loving it. To give you a quick list, I have
-gone to the Olympics (women's handball)
-eaten more Chinese food than I ever had before
-survived and enjoyed my first week as a teacher
-many exciting trips on my bike
-buying food and things for my apartment

Let me explain. First, even though the only ticket I could get was to women’s handball, don’t be fooled. It was crazy and honestly, quite intense. I didn’t know anything about handball—I had never heard of it and didn’t have a clue but wanted to go the Olympics. The best way I can think of to describe handball is a combination of several sports. Take a few things from basketball, football, ultimate frisbee, and soccer and let that cook for 20 minutes at 350 and out comes handball. They dribble as you would in basketball, but only for 2 steps such as in ultimate frisbee, and the goals are similar to soccer but play as if you would in tackle football. I witnessed several take downs, we are talking take the lady to the ground. One takedown had particular style. I like to call it: the clothesline. If you ever have a change to witness handball, go. It is an amazing game and quite entertaining.
I have many other stories, which I could share but will close up shop for today. Thanks for checking my blog!

19 August 2008


Time passes quickly...where does it go?  I have finally listened to advice and have actually begun to pack.  Don't get too excited, I am not done but have made good progress=I've started.  It has already been a tough process and I have not done that much.  I can check in 2 bags at 50 lbs apiece...thats 100 lbs of stuff for a year.  Exciting.  I think it will continue to be fun and I look forward to taking off.  Some news since last time, I have received my visa and passport late last week, so I now actually physically have my paperwork which is even better.  Please continue to remember those at Shi Yi, that their paperwork would go through as quickly as possible and they would be able to join us soon.  Back to packing!

12 August 2008

Good news for new teachers at RDFZ

As some know, new teachers had some paperwork issues about two weeks ago.  The good news is progress has been made and I have  received my paperwork to leave on schedule!  The first school received their paperwork last week and I received mine today but should also remember not everyone does have the necessary paperwork to go.  I hope I will be able to update with more good news soon!

07 August 2008

2 weeks..2 days

These are exciting times.  The next several days should prove to be great fun.  The Olympics open in two days and I am ready and waiting.  Exciting news for me, I am currently scheduled to depart in two weeks!  
Some bad news and then good news.  Last week, news came that some paperwork has been held up and first year teachers would either be delayed or unable to go.  Good news, I found out today that some have been able to process their paperwork and things are looking up for the remainder of us.  We will continue to wait and see but hopefully things are able to go on as scheduled.  

29 July 2008

Closing in on 3 weeks

It is getting closer to departure time.  I know time will pass quickly and I will set off before I realize it.  I am excited and although I do not know the details, that is alright.  I believe that is part of the excitement and adventure.