23 October 2008

Clothes and Colors

I will give you a small glimpse into my classroom.  This week I taught Clothes and Colors to my Junior 1 (7th) students.  We had a lot of fun.  I brought a suitcase overflowing with my clothes to class.  I explained the clothes as I unpacked them.  What it is called, when you would wear it, and the color of the item.  I then had my students run up and take one thing and then put it on and we went around the class and had them explain to the class the same three things I had told them.  It was great.  
I brought in several pairs of shoes, tennis/dress/slippers, a t-shirt, long sleeve, sweater, hoodie, a scarf, gloves, hat, baseball hat and a belt.  I had a fun time asking them if it was 'ok' to wear my brown dress shoes with a black belt...almost all yell out 'Yes, teacher!'  I tell them that would not be the best and it is better to wear brown with brown and black with black and some did not understand.  
One of the interesting things I have learned about China is that the culture is more direct and speak what is on their mind.  I will give you an example.  We are in class talking about clothes and colors.  Every class had fun putting my belt on and informing me that I am fat and that my belt is way too big and they cannot wear it.  I was prepared for this and actually expecting it.  One the one hand, this level or transparency makes it easier to read people and understand them.  They just tell you.  Just make certain you have thick skin because you never know what will be said.  It keeps you on your toes.  
I appreciate your thoughts and remember all of us.