07 November 2008

11 weeks...

Mom deserves the credit for pictures actually showing up on my blog.  She has been asking me to show her some pictures for, well...about 11 weeks now.  Better late than never?  I hope you enjoy the few pictures I put up.  I haven't taken a ton of pictures but have been taking some video and am trying to figure out how to post that without bringing your connect speed down to a crawl.  

 2 quick funny stories from class.  I love class.  Before I tell you the stories I must preface where they are coming from.  I am teaching a business elective class along with Julie, who was also a business major.  Business has never been taught, at least to our knowledge, so we have been creating our materials for class, which has been fun but challenging.  All is going well so far, but a lot goes on in business class.  For one, it is an elective on Friday afternoons and the kids in the class want to be there and ask many questions.  For example, why are the global markets crashing?  What is an average day of a CEO look like?  How is the Fed run?   Could you explain Investment Banking to me?  You know, easy questions.  

 Now that you know a little more about business class on Friday afternoons I will tell you what happens in class.  First, we have a good time.   About two weeks ago I was teaching on finance and accounting and had put some new vocab words up on the board.  I had a student come write the characters along side so everyone could understand the new vocab and what we were talking about.  Fairly standard, not complicated but it gets better.  He realized three minutes later that he had put the wrong character up and stands up while I am teaching and comes to the front and is standing next to me looking around and then in the corner.  I've stopped talking at this point because he took everyone's attention from me and I am wondering what is going on in my classroom right now?!  His eyes fall upon the dirty, long-fingered mop and he reaches for it and in one motion goes straight for the chalkboard.  Everyone gasps and is making their disgust known.  He is determined and does not let this stop him, he proceeds so erase the board with the mop and correct his mistake with the correct character.  When he finishes he gives me a look of, 'what? Why aren't you teaching, why did you stop?'  Amazing.  

Second story.  Today.  We finished up management and are talking about marketing.  We brought in different items, ranging from cleaning supplies to a flute.  Other items included Monopoly, Cheez Its, Betty Crocker TV dinner something, a Wii controller, a bike bell, and a small toolbox.  They had to explain the four Ps of marketing and try to sell the class on their product.  The one item I did not tell you about is where the plot thickens.  We also brought a can of moose.  They did not know what it was and I told them you can put it in your hair but I walk by again and one of the guys is spraying it onto his pants, like you would a Tide pen or something.  I just about lost it and said no, that is not what it is designed to do...but that is funny.